Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Weekly Featured Product: Phyto Phytocyane Treatment

Bella Bethesda expert who recommends this great product: Megan

Are you noticing unusual hair loss? Are you feeling like your hair is thinner than it used to be? Thinning hair can be caused by many things – stress, pregnancy, change in diet and even hormones. With Phyto’s intensive Phytocyane Treatment there is no need to suffer in silence. Featuring gingko biloba and grapeseed extracts, Phytocyane Treatment has been specially designed to increase blood circulation and protect the area around the hair bulb, while stopping further hair loss and regenerating new hair growth.

Apply Phytocyane Treatmeant on a clean scalp 2-3 times per week for three months. It is important not to wash it out. This product is great for people experiencing temporary hair loss verses genetic conditions.

Come by Bella Bethesda on January 18, 2012 for a free scalp analysis to determine the exact cause of your thinning/distressed hair.

What You Need to Know About This Product: For people experiencing temporary hair loss.

1 comment:

Phyto Shampoo said...

I have never used this product! will use it and will write review onmy blog! Phyto shampoo